Getting Started

Some quick tips to get you going

How Do I Use SKIO to Make Remixes?

You use SKIO to get the rights to make remixes and you can do this in two different ways. When you are searching for tracks to remix on SKIO you will notice that there are two types of buttons at the bottom of the tracks: “Buy Now” and “Send Proposal”.

Tracks that have a “Buy Now” button have been pre-cleared with the track owner by SKIO to be licensed for remixing and sharing of the completed remix on social media under a SKIO Instant Remix License. This means that when you click the “Buy Now” button you will be able to purchase the rights to remix the track, download the stems within seconds and share your completed remix on social media. Please note that all completed remixes must be uploaded to SKIO before you can share it on social media. To learn more about SKIO’s Instant Remix License click here.

Tracks that have a “Send Proposal” button are available for remixing but must be negotiated with the track owner on a case by case basis. To start a negotiation with a track owner click the “Send Proposal” button to introduce yourself and send them a message about the style of remix that you would like to create. You can also suggest terms that you would like to be included in the remix license. Once your proposal is sent, the track owner will be notified and will respond by proposing terms for the remix license. Once both parties are happy with the terms the remix agreement can be signed and the stems will be available to download so that the remixer can start creating their remix.