Uploading Tracks

Learn how to add and manage the tracks on your SKIO profile

Can I upload a whole album to SKIO?

Of course! As long as you own the rights or have permission from all necessary parties. Currently tracks must be uploaded separately; however, we are working hard to allow members to upload multiple tracks at once and to showcase full albums on your profile.

Do my track’s Stems need to be full length?

You may wish to upload shorter stems (especially if the respective audio is a loop); however, we recommend including all audio files in full length if available.

How do I know if I have the rights to make a deal?

Typically, record labels or publishers retain the administrative or ownership rights on a piece of music. If you have made or worked on a track that has been signed to a record label or publisher, you will need to confirm with them that you have the rights to make a deal with that track. If you have any questions please email our Artist Relations team at artistrelations@skiomusic.com.

How do I share a private link or invite collaborators to view my track?

  1. When uploading your track, set the visibility to private in the sharing settings section. This will create a private URL you may use to share the track with others, while keeping the track from being displayed publicly (like a private SoundCloud link).
  2. You may also invite people to listen to the track by entering their SKIO username or email (if they are not already a SKIO member) in the field at the bottom of the page.
  3. If you already made your track public and would now like to share the track with others, you can simply open up that project page on SKIO, copy the url from the address bar and share it however you like.

I don’t have stems for my track, can I upload it to SKIO?

Yes, you may upload songs without stems; however, we recommend including your stems to increase your opportunities for remixing and sampling deals.

Should I upload every Stem or can I pick the Stems I want to be used in the remix?

We recommend uploading all stems associated with a song in order to provide potential remixers and collaboration partners with the most options; however, if you have a project with a significant number of stems, we suggest grouping tracks together before exporting your stem audio.

Example: You may wish to group all your drum tracks together for stem audio export to save time instead uploading all drums stems individually.

Still having problems uploading your track?

Feel free to contact our community manager at community@skiomusic.com for further assistance.

What’s the difference between public vs. private sharing settings?

  1. By setting your uploaded track’s visibility to public, it will be displayed on SKIO’s discover page and become available for other users to listen, like, and request to remix.
  2. By setting your uploaded track’s visibility to private, it will NOT be displayed on SKIO’s discover page. Keeping your track private will allow you to upload unreleased tracks or works in progress. You may wish to invite other users to view your private tracks if you are soliciting remixes for your unreleased track or looking to include other collaborators on a work in progress.
  3. For more information regarding private and public sharing settings, please contact our artist relations manager at artistrelations@skiomusic.com.

Where do I upload a Showcase track?

Navigate to the About tab on your profile page and click Edit Profile. Scroll down to the Showcase Tracks section, enter a SoundCloud or YouTube URL and provide a description of how you contributed to the music work. For example: If you are an audio engineer let the SKIO community know that you mixed and mastered the track. Your Showcase Tracks will be displayed on the About section of your profile.

Where do I upload an Original track?

Navigate to the My Tracks page and click the Upload New Track button. Enter the track name and click Create Track. Upload .wav files for the master, stems and project to their respective sections. Enter all the track details and click Save. Your original tracks will be displayed on your My Tracks page.

Which file formats does SKIO support?

When uploading master and stem files SKIO accepts high quality .wav audio files. For security and legal reasons, we convert all publicly available audio to lower quality .mp3 during playback. However, when a deal is made on SKIO, the original high quality audio content is transferred, not the .mp3 files.

Why are the tracks on SKIO only 90 seconds long?

For legal purposes and to protect your original tracks we only make the first 90 seconds of the track available to other members. When you start a remix deal with someone and agree to terms, then access is granted to the full track, including the stems to remix.

Why should I upload Showcase tracks to my profile?

An Original Track is a piece of music that you own the rights to make a deal with. A Showcase Track is a piece of music that you have contributed to but you do NOT have the rights make a deal with.