
Find out more on how to manage your subscriptions

How do I purchase a subscription?

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click “Account Settings”.
  3. Click “Manage Plan”.
  4. Choose “Contest Insight Reports”, then click “Subscribe”.
  5. Complete your Contact Information if you haven’t already, then click “Continue”.
  6. Enter your Payment Information, then click “Complete Purchase”.

    NOTE: If you need to edit your Contact Information, you can click the second step at the top of the screen to bring you back to the Contact Information page.

  7. At the top of your screen from your Dashboard you should get a notification that your account is now active.

How do I cancel/change my subscription?

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click “Account Settings” on the top right menu.
  3. Click “Manage Plan”.
  4. Choose the “Free” Plan.
  5. Click “Cancel My Subscription”.

What happens if I cancel halfway through the month?

We immediately stop billing you. After this you have access to your subscription until the end of your billing cycle.

For example: If your billing date is the 15th of every month, and cancel your subscription on the 1st, you will have access until the 15th.

Do you store my credit card details?

No. SKIO Music does not record your credit card details. All your details go through Stripe, our payment processing provider.

What are the payment options?

Currently we only support Credit Card Payments through Stripe.